
How to deal with Acne and Face mask Acne this Year

‘maskne’ or Face mask Acne


Face mask acne or Maskne occurs when sweat, skin oils, and bacteria are trapped on the skin while wearing your mask. This type of acne is called acne mechanica, which includes any skin issues due to pressure, friction, rubbing, squeezing, or stretching. It’s different from other kinds of acne (like the pimples that show up around your period, for example, which are hormonal) because it occurs only in areas where the mask sits against the skin.

The warm, humid weather in the summer months can make mask acne especially cruel. The combination of sweat, oil, and moisture from breathing under the mask can clog pores, says Dr. Rodney. In addition, the friction and chafing of the mask in contact with the moist skin can cause the skin to break down. Now, I hate to be the bearer of even more bad news, buuuut cold, dry, winter air won’t remove the issue of maskne either; it just occurs differently. The mask rubbing against your drier-than-usual skin can cause the hair follicles to break open, which then allows acne-causing bacteria into the skin, explains Dr. Rodney.

Important! To successfully repair the defect, you need to understand what acne type you have. As a rule, this is not only external clogging of pores with skin secretions, but also internal problems in the body.


