
7 Most Effective Exercises To Get Rid of Double Chin


To keep our body youthful and healthy, we must eat well and do a lot of exercises. The same applies to our faces due to the fact that as we age, it loses its beauty and elasticity. Today we will present you the most effective anti-aging exercises to get rid of double chin which, according to medical professionals, will allow your face to keep looking young and healthy for a long time.

So let’s get started.

“Start each exercise from the starting position – sitting or standing, your back is straight, we keep our head straight, we look forward.”

Facial Muscles Warm-up

exercise for double chin, chin exercise

Before beginning any workout, it is essential to perform a gentle warm-up to relax the facial muscles.

Perform movements using the lower jaw. For example, move it forward and back to the left and right. Every workout should be smooth, fluid, and free of sudden snaps. For warming up, 8-10 times is sufficient.

Exercise # 1. Pulling lips

exercise for double chin, chin exercise
  1. Raise your head and focus on a point on the ceiling, directly above your head.
  2. Pull your lips forward as if you are trying to kiss the ceiling. Try to pull your lips as hard as you can.
  3. Maintain this position for 20 seconds.
  4. Then lower your head to the starting position and rest for a few seconds.
  5. Repeat the entire sequence 7 more times

This exercise sounds fun, but it strengthens and tones the muscles in the double chin area.

With age, fat accumulates in this area, the skin loses its elasticity and begins to sag.

When performed regularly, these exercises will help you get rid of double chin by forming the correct jawline through redistributing fat and toning the skin.

Exercise # 2. Kissing

chin exercises, how to get rid of double chin, how to lose double chin, how to get rid of a double chin
  1. Raise your head and focus on a point on the ceiling, directly above your head.
  2. Pull your lips forward and make a kiss sound with a loud kiss.
  3. Then open your mouth for a moment.
  4. Close your lips again, pulling them forward.
  5. Make 20 of these kisses in 20 seconds.
  6. Then lower your head to the starting position and rest for a few seconds.
  7. Repeat this entire sequence 7 more times.

These exercises will not only let you get rid of a double chin but also tighten the muscles and skin of the entire front of your neck. First of all, it will force the subcutaneous muscle of the neck, or platysma, to work. This thin, broad muscle, like a film, covers the entire surface of the neck and is woven into the muscles of the mouth. And since platysma is tightly connected to the skin, when it loses its tone, wrinkles appear on the neck. That is why exercises that strengthen platysma tighten and rejuvenate the skin of the neck.

Exercise # 3. Neck Stretching

chin exercises, how to get rid of double chin, how to lose double chin, how to get rid of a double chin
  1. Secure the skin by pressing the sternum ends of the clavicle with your fingers.
  2. Raise your head and fix your gaze on a point directly above your head.
  3. Pull your lower jaw forward as far as possible and stretch your lower lip up. You should clearly feel the tension on the entire front of your neck. Maintain this position for 20 seconds.
  4. Then lower your head to the starting position and rest for a few seconds.
  5. Repeat the entire sequence 7 more times.

The third exercise tones the skin of the neck and platysma along its entire length. By toning the skin of the neck, you enrich it with oxygen, which means that you contribute to its renewal, smoothing, and healing.

Also, this exercise effectively eliminates a double chin, contributing to the formation of the ideal neck shape.

Exercise # 4. Vowel

chin exercises, how to get rid of double chin, how to lose double chin, how to get rid of a double chin
  1. Open your mouth as if you are pronouncing something in between, between the sounds “o” and “a.”
  2. Keeping your mouth open, close the top row of teeth with your upper lip and the bottom row with your lower lip. Imagine trying to pull your lips into your mouth. Do not strain other muscles of the face, no unnecessary facial movements – only make an effort with your lips.
  3. Maintain the position for 20 seconds, then return to the starting position and rest.
  4. Repeat the entire sequence 7 more times.

This exercise amazingly lifts and tones the neck area and the skin of the face, eliminating gravitational wrinkles.

At first, the muscles of the face and neck may hurt from habit, but over time they will strengthen, and the pain will disappear. If you feel like 8 repetitions of each exercise is too much, start with 2 to 3 sets. By adding one approach each week, you will gradually reach 8 reps without over training your muscles.

Exercise # 5. Smiling Fish

chin exercises, how to get rid of double chin, how to lose double chin, how to get rid of a double chin
  1. Place your index finger on the chin fossa and press lightly.
  2. Pull your lips inward in the same way as we did in the previous exercise, but with your mouth closed.
  3. Continuously opening and closing your mouth, gradually raise your head to a level where you can see a point above your head. This should take about 5 seconds.
  4. Then, without stopping, lower your head to the starting position, continuing to open and close your mouth with pursed lips. This will also take about 5 seconds.
  5. Take a starting position and rest.
  6. Repeat the entire sequence 7 more times.

In one approach, you should open and close your mouth about 10 times.

Through this exercise, we work out the platysma and other muscles of the neck and the muscles of the mouth and cheeks. When done regularly, exercise # 5 not only tightens the skin of the neck and eliminates the double chin but also eliminates wrinkles on the cheeks, in the mouth area, eliminates flews in the lower jaw, and, in general, makes the face oval clearer.


Note: “During any of the exercises described, you can place your fingertips on your neck so you can feel the muscle tension.”

Exercise # 6. Chick Pose

chin exercises, how to get rid of double chin, how to lose double chin, how to get rid of a double chin
  1. Raise your head and focus on a point on the ceiling, directly above your head.
  2. Press firmly with the tip of your tongue against the palate, closer to your teeth.
  3. Smile showing your teeth.
  4. Maintain this pose for 20 to 30 seconds while making swallowing movements.
  5. Return to starting position and rest.
  6. Repeat the entire sequence 7 more times.

This exercise tones the chewing muscles and platysma.

It is known that the main condition for the formation of wrinkles is the loss of muscle tone. Muscles become enslaved, as it were, because of which the skin shrinks in one place and sags in another. With this exercise, we teach our muscles to tighten and, more importantly, to relax so that we can get rid of even the deepest wrinkles.

A simplified version of this technique is to press the tip of the tongue against the palate. This exercise is convenient because you can do it in any situation; it does not require privacy and does not interfere with your daily activities.

Exercise # 7. Swan’s neck

chin exercises, how to get rid of double chin, how to lose double chin, how to get rid of a double chin
  1. Turn your head to the left.
  2. Slowly tilt your head to the left side. Feel the muscles and skin on the right side of your neck tighten. Hold this position for 20 seconds.
  3. Return slowly to the starting position.
  4. Now turn your head to the right.
  5. Slowly tilt your head to the right side, pulling the left side of your neck. Hold for 20 seconds.
  6. Return to starting position.

With this exercise, we stretch almost all the muscles in the front of the neck and tone the skin, improving its nutrition and blood supply.

In addition, the exercise “Swan Neck” improves the blood supply to the cervical spine, which is an excellent prevention of cervical osteochondrosis.

Important !

Note : “If tilting your head causes any pain or discomfort, skip this exercise.”


This set of exercises can be done 1 or 2 times a day. The limitation is your well-being and the absence of contraindications.

Be aware that no matter the age,it is important to do exercises to get rid of double chin, to eat healthy, drink plenty fluids and take time to rest and sleep.
