
Discover Diabetic Diet Plan to Lower your Blood Sugar

What should not be eaten with high blood sugar?


Diversifying your diabetic diet plan with healthy foods is not enough to normalize your blood sugar levels. You also need to give up forbidden foods that cause a spike in glucose.
And this is sugar, sweets (honey, cookies, sweets, candies), other products. If you are very fond of sweets, the doctors sometimes allows you to use very moderately and a little dark chocolate as an exception.
To normalize the amount of glucose in the body, you need to exclude:

  • buns,
  • fruits,
  • dried fruits,
  • freshly squeezed juices,
  • vegetables in pickles, and marinades.

To achieve optimal values ​​in reducing sugar, they reduce the intake of :

  • Potatoes in their diet,
  • Butter,
  • Dairy and fermented milk products,
  • Fatty meats.

All of these substances cause a spike and excess of glucose, so you must limit there intake and regularly track your blood sugar level .


