
How to Keep Your New Year’s habit to Read More

Get Up Earlier


Okay, this has never worked for me, at any stage of my life, but I hear it works well for other people. Set your alarm for a half-hour earlier and keep a book on your bedside table. No need to get dressed, just roll over and read.

Listen to Books

Audiobooks generally put me to sleep, especially in the car. But my husband loves them and has found they help him to bridge reading sessions; he’ll read at home and then listen on his commute. Sometimes he even speeds up the narrator to 1.25 reading speed, or even 1.5. (I listened to a little bit of The Power Broker at 1.5 speed and it actually felt kind of aesthetically appropriate, given the overwhelming amount of detail in that book.) My son also enjoys audiobooks and this has been great for me, because he’ll play quietly in his room for a good hour if there is a story going—which gives me an hour to read quietly in my room.




