How to lose weight Gemini? What does the zodiac diet offer? What they should and shouldn’t do to lose weight? Sample menus for easy and sociable people!
In terms of temperament, Gemini refers to extroverted sanguines. They are characterized by curiosity, flexibility, ease, inconstancy, sociability. In appearance, they seem fragile and defenseless, but in life, when they achieve their goals, they always show perseverance and strength.
They prefer variety and do not tolerate routine. They love visiting restaurants in search of something fashionable and new. And do not like quiet family gatherings, and even more so traditional meals with the usual menu. They tend to try everything by heart, they chew constantly, but balanced nutrition is unusual for them. During stress, they abuse sweets and eat up at night, they can drink alcohol.
As a rule, such prolonged stress leads to fullness. It is best to include foods with B vitamins and an increased amount of potassium in the menu during these periods of life, such as cabbage, potatoes, raisins, figs, zucchini, and eggplant.