
10 Signs You Are Dating An Emotional Psychopath

7- He will cut you off from your family and friends:

The emotional psychopath wouldn’t want to get caught. He is clever enough to know that your family and friends might make you see his real side and give you backup.

So, he will try to make your life circle around his on the pretext of romancing and cut you off from your family and friends so that you don’t get to see the reality.

8- He will embarrass you:

He will never stop cracking jokes on you is public. Teasing is perfectly okay but these jokes are something you are not comfortable with.

He might discuss things you don’t want others to know or things you feel embarrassed of.  This doesn’t mean he is romancing; it shows he has no respect for your privacy. It’s a way of humiliating you.

9- He will remind you of the times you have messed things up:

It’s okay to criticize but if he always points out things you have messed up, then he is working his way to demolish your self-worth and self-confidence.

This is how an emotional psychopath gets away with his crime.

10- He breaks you apart:

He wrecks havoc in your mind. You have become extremely dependent on him yet he is not there. You have lost your self-worth and self-confidence.

You don’t have anyone beside you. You want to be loved back, you want his love but he is not there for you. He blames everything on you. You need to understand it’s not your fault and you don’t deserve all this. Stop believing and stop pulling yourself down.

You are a beautiful soul and you deserve a better man. Run away from your partner if you find these attitudes in him.


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